Bash Docs
{ Bash Docs }
Documentation for the BASH programming language.

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Documentation | Languages Include: BASH (shell scripting), Python, Rust, Go, C++, Java

BASH Documentation:

Bash is the GNU Project's shell—the Bourne Again SHell. This is an sh-compatible shell that incorporates useful features from the Korn shell (ksh) and the C shell (csh).

BASH - Bourne Again Shell
Shell - Is a command line interface for running programs on a computer.
Shell Types - The UNIX system offers a variety of shell types. Some of the common ones include:
  • Bash: Bourne Again Shell
  • ksh: Korn Shell
  • zsh: Z Shell
  • csh: C Shell
Going forward I will be discussing the Bash Shell since it's the most widely used.

Help: Type -h or --help after almost any command to bring up a help menu for that command.

Manual: Type man before almost any command to bring up a manual for that command (quit man with q).

Usage: bash | man bash

Common Bash Colors: